While on a learning walk this morning, I liked the class assignment in 5th Grade Literature so much that I decided to participate. Here is my poem.
I am someone who wants to help others and connect more deeply.
I wonder if I am living out God’s purpose for my life.
I hear music, quotes from movies, and echoes of fond childhood memories.
I see how to improve any situation I see.
I want to be recognized and appreciated and make others feel the same.
I am someone who wants to help others and connect more deeply.
I pretend I am not 40 years old, but still 29.
I feel like I would’ve made a good President of the United States.
I touch deeper parts of others’ souls in my mind, not content with surface level banter.
I worry about the pace of life, as well as evil in the world.
I cry when I read about shootings, terrorism, kidnapping, slavery, and things that still exist in the world that should not exist.
I am someone who wants to help others and connect more deeply.
I understand that there is an absolute truth beyond what each of us perceives as our personal perspective of truth through our limited senses.
I say I’ve never met a person who didn’t need the grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, starting with myself.
I dream of being debt free and being able to pursue whatever I want with my time.
I try to do a good job and make things better for others.
I hope other people recognize my passion and efforts.
I am someone who wants to help others and connect more deeply.