Seeking to gain greater clarification on each of the 6 MV Mindsets and the sub-sets that define them, in order to more effectively infuse, assess, and communicate student learning and progress, here are a series of questions…
Critical Thinker/Solution Seeker
– What makes a question ‘meaningful’?
– In a culture that does teaches no tolerance for “judging” others, how can we teach students to ‘evaluate’ ideas, etc.?
– How does one learn and demonstrate ‘discernment’?
– How do educators approach ‘cross-disciplinary’ knowledge?
– How do students approach it?
– What are the best practices of goal setting with students? SMART goals and/vs. DUMB goals?
– What does it mean to listen ‘attentively’?
– …to speak effectively?
– …to write clearly?
– What are the various types of audiences a communicator might encounter?
– How does a communicator ‘understand’ an audience?
– Can a group of individuals be understood?
– Within any group, there are a lot of differences.
– What are the various types of media a communicator needs to understand?
– What does ‘formats’ mean?
– What are interpersonal skills and how to best ‘self cultivate’?
Creative Thinker
– What is an assumption?
– How does one identify an assumption?
– How do you then challenge an assumption?
– How, why, and when should you suspend judgement?
– What is the difference between judgement and evaluation?
– How do you build ‘imagination’ muscles?
– How do you build ‘improvisation’ skills?
– How do you adapt to new challenges and opportunities?
– How do you foresee and identify new challenges and opportunities that others might not?
– How do you know when to ‘let this one go’?
– What is a partnership? What makes it strong?
– What defines diversity? How might we expand our definition?
– How do you teach, coach, and lead by example?
– What are the types of feedback?
– How, when, and why might/does one accept or reject different types of feedback?
– How do you implement a decision?