Lean Startup, Design Thinking, & Innovation

  I’m reading a series of books together this month and enjoying the common threads of design thinking, as well as a process/cycle for innovation. It’s rewarding to see a high degree of similarity between what entrepreneurs and adults in the marketplace are reading/doing alongside what is being discussed and practiced regularly by students and teachers in our school.

FUSE 2014: Design Thinking and Badges

See related post: Hacking Badges Have you heard of design thinking yet? People centered problem solving? I spent the last two days participating in the FUSE 2014 Conference hosted by the Mount Vernon Institute for Innovation (@MVIFI) at Mount Vernon Presbyterian School. I earned a badge for being a Facilitator in the 101 track (participants engaged in an introductory design thinking challenge related to the topic of “student centered learning“). There were 140 educators and non-educators from around the nation (some international, too). Our Middle School sent a small team of our own teachers to the 201 track where they arrived […]

What Can We Learn from Master Schedule Prototypes?

Google Doc with Schedule Prototypes   Questions to Consider What are the advantages/disadvantages of each schedule? Review each one. What was your best idea? What was your biggest priority? What was your group’s biggest obstacle? What is your biggest question? What is your most drastic proposed change? What is the easiest/obvious change to make? What are the non-negotiables? What did you learn about your own assumptions and biases about teaching? Education? Mount Vernon’s mission?

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