The Administrator’s Summer

The Administrator’s Summer

What do school administrators do during the summer?

Short answer: All the stuff I didn’t have time for during the school year, plus preparing for the upcoming year. And it’s actually a lot of fun! Summer is a season of work and rest; I enjoy it.

Quick list…

  • Hiring and on-boarding new faculty with learning outcomes, resources, keys, laptops,
  • Analyzing ERB scores and setting goals
  • Meeting with summer grant recipients to advance key initiatives and align curriculum
  • Preparing and leading MS Admin Team retreat focused on project management, levels of delegation, and team building
  • Preparing and coordinating a two week pre-planning agenda for all faculty, plus a two day new faculty orientation with other executive team members
  • Overseeing facilities repairs, improvements, inventories, etc.
  • Reflecting and issuing Blogger Challenges!

chip blog summer

Summer Not Always a Vacation for School Administrators
Principals Are Anything But Idle in the Summer

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