Be a Multiplier

Mount Vernon Presbyterian School kicked off the new year at convocation as students from the Class of 2016 all the way to the Class of 2030 gathered to hear Head of School Dr. Jacobsen’s message: Be a Multiplier! Sharing the parable of the talents as told by Jesus in Matthew 25, Dr. Jacobsen encouraged students, parents, and faculty to multiply the blessings and talents we’ve been given in the coming 180 days (177 now for those counting). You + Curiosity = Multiplier You + Desired Result = Multiplier You + Others = Multiplier You + God = Multiplier 14 “Again, it […]

Convocation: Who is the Real You?

Over 900 students gathered in the gym last Friday to kickoff the 2014-2015 school year at Mount Vernon’s Annual Convocation. Dr. Brett Jacobsen posed the question, “Who is the real you?” In his message, Dr. Jacobsen shared the 3 types of people outlined in the parable of the good samaritan: Takers – The robbers. The thieves. The people who steal and serve themselves. Spectators – Those who ought to help, but pass by on the other side. They know what is right, but they don’t do it. Transformers – Like the good samaritan, those who stop to help. The people who […]

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