How Are Mistakes and Failures Embraced?

Teachers participated in a visible thinking routine called “Think, Pair, Share” today. They asked, “How are mistakes and failures embraced as opportunities to grow and learn?” Specifically, they applied this question to 3 key initiatives: Assessments, ePortfolios, and Student Led Conferences.Professional LearningToday’s Agenda – Middle School Faculty Meeting

Desired Outcomes:
Expand our ability to utilize assessment in new and more effective ways
Advance ePortfolios by incorporating more storytelling
Collaborate with vertical teams to grow in our practice

Essential Questions:
How are mistakes and failures embraced as opportunities to grow and learn?
How are students “storytelling” their learning with ePortfolios?

Learning Activities: Think, Pair, Share within Vertical Teams
“Mistakes and failures are embraced as opportunities to grow and learn.”
What does this look/sound like in your classroom practice regarding assessment?

“Mistakes and failures are embraced as opportunities to grow and learn.”
What does this look/sound like in a student led conference?

professional learning
The math vertical team discusses ideas with members of the advancement team.
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Modeling our group work norms, several team members volunteer for specific roles. Emma made a unique “alarm” sound every time.
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Each vertical team shared their “pieces of gold” for how to embrace mistakes and failures as opportunities to learn and grow.
professional learning
Social Studies vertical team pairs and shares what a student led conference looks like when “mistakes and failures are embraced as opportunities to learn.”
professional learning
Think, Pair, Share with science team.
professional learning
How are students “storytelling” their learning with ePortfolios?

“Mistakes and failures are embraced as opportunities to grow and learn.”
What does this look like in students’ eportfolios?
What is the story that students are telling/showing? How are they telling/showing it?

This is a MUST READ…
A Guide to Producing Student Digital Storytellers

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