Drones: Gateway to Learning, Design, and Impact

Drones: Gateway to Learning, Design, and Impact Drones provide a gateway to learning many practical and helpful uses for human-centered problem solving, as well as simple fun and curiosity. Here are a few ideas to consider… Paint Your House Advertise your product/company with a flying drone billboard Ambulance Drone for Medical Emergencies Submarine Periscope Save the lives of African babies with HIV testing Drone Racing is the Sport of the Future Search for Lost Dogs Monitor Marine Reserves and Spot Illegal Fishing Droneport for Africa A Robot That Flies Like A Bird Find the Best Waves for Surfing Safely Avoid […]

Drones in Action

Drones in Action In August, we purchased a drone. Our team designed a digital “Drone” badge that faculty members could earn in pre-planning. We unleashed the drone in chapel for all students to be introduced to our newest interactive tech device. In September, we crashed the drone. While Upper School students were learning how to make minor repairs to the drone, we purchased an additional drone. In October, Mr. Roth took small groups of students outside to learn how to pilot the drone and discuss related science and ethical issues. In November, I worked with a small, volunteer group of […]

R & D Stations

R & D Stations Today, the Social Studies Research & Design Team met (as did R & D teams from several other disciplines). Teachers were given 3 choices: Pick something that interests you from last session’s brainstorm (related to the 4 guiding priorities) Work on the 9th Grade Humanities pilot (learning outcomes, ideas, etc.) Teach social studies through interactive tech (drone w/camera) and badges Team members collaborated in small groups and as individuals, sharing out at the end of the session… Humanities: who will teach it? will it just be a combo of lit and history or will it include […]

Unleash the Drone!

Unleash the drone! A crowd of over 350 students and teachers cheered and watched in awe as the DJI Phantom 3 drone was unleashed on middle school during chapel announcements. The drone is the newest piece of interactive technology to be purchased for student and teacher learning. While many fascinating learning opportunities exist with such tech (students will learn to fly, as well as design new uses and explore ethical decision making in current events), our drone has become a vehicle for introducing another emerging technology: digital badging. Unleash the drone! As a way to expand the learning measures, Mrs. […]

Interactive Tech: Learning Drones

Interactive Tech: Learning Drones The Student Engagement Plan of Mount Vernon’s iPlan17 calls for educators to “provide appropriate access to emerging technology where students actively engage in using interactive tech…” As if Chromebooks, Clear Touches, ePortfolios, Google Docs and other interactive technologies aren’t enough, I’m “flying high” with excitement to share that we’ve purchased a drone. I believe there are unlimited applications and possibilities for learning with this new machinery. Drones and other aerial tech will play an increasingly relevant and complicated role in the lives and futures of our students. They should not only know how to operate these […]

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