What Does This Badge Get Me?

What Does This Badge Get Me?

Continuing to explore how a badging system can be used to communicate and measure learning, we conducted an analysis of each individual and team’s progress. There are 11 possible badges that any individual can earn including: Blogger, Clear Touch, Drone, Folio, Innovative Formative Assessment, Innovative Technology Integration, Presenter, Summer Learning, Teaching Through Art, Twitter Chat Moderator, Create Your Own Badge. The Summer Grant badge was omitted because not everyone had the opportunity to earn it (only 8 grants were awarded last summer). Some badges afford the opportunity for multiple badges (ex: Innovative Formative Assessment has 3 Level Ups), but only 1 credit is given per category regardless of how many badges are earned (for the purposes of this chart).

Currency and Competition

We are planning to share this data with our team tomorrow morning in the faculty meeting, hoping to stir up a little friendly competition. The goal of our badging system is to help educators learn new skills and improve one’s craft, ultimately benefiting the students. We expect to see each grade level team (and the admin team) hold one another accountable because the badges they earn are about to turn into a form of currency.

Each team that reaches 100% can earn some rather impressive prizes for their students and classrooms. No joke. These are going to be some exciting, high-ticket items. All teams have the opportunity to win a prize by reaching 100%. The teams that reach 100% the fastest will have the first choice of the items. (Items to be revealed soon.)


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