Multiplying Our Talents: A Charge for Our NEW Faculty and Staff

This morning, I had the distinct honor of leading our new faculty and staff in a session. I gave them the “Being New Charge.” Reflecting on the Parable of the Talents from Matthew 25:14-30, we explored how Jesus’ teaching can inspire our approach to education. In this parable, Jesus emphasizes the importance of using our God-given talents to their fullest potential, rather than hiding them away out of fear. To bring this message to life, I asked everyone to turn to a partner and share a personal talent. The room was soon filled with stories of various gifts and abilities. […]

Pre-Planning Recap: Day 1

Opening Session Agenda: 1) Welcome 2) Special Guests: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump lead us in icebreakers (Thank you Matt & Laura) 3) Circle up and introduce yourself 4) Play game “Would you rather” – Apples, Oranges, Peaches – 70s, 80s, or 90s – Bring back Chris Farley or John Candy 5) Tips for how to get the most out of your pre-planning experience – Accept the calendar invitations (and notice details ie location) – Make wise use of your “GTD” (Get Things Done) times – Be early/on time and ready to contribute, move us forward – Look for someone […]

Pre-Planning Template

Pre-Planning Template Pre-planning is an exciting, creative, critical, and stressful time all at once. Teachers are anxious to prep their plans and classrooms. Administrators want to give and protect teacher planning time, yet also devote team time to key initiatives and wildly important goals. In addition, there are other important groups that need time with both teachers and admin (CPR training, Advancement, Business Office, R & D), plus time to connect with “All School.” Finding the right balance can be challenging. In the spirit of sharing, here is the template we used this year. Gold represents Middle School team time. […]

New Faculty Orientation & Admin Meeting Recap

Today was a full and fun day of meeting with new and familiar teammates. We welcomed all of the new faculty members with some fun icebreakers, followed by a Design Thinking Flashlab, then a few other sessions followed by a relaxing lunch. Afterwards, the Admin Team, led by Dr. Jacobsen, met to discuss our summer reading “A Curious Mind” by Brian Grazer, reflecting and sharing on a time when we were curious. Curiosity… – is a tool – is a technique – is essential to survival – allows, presumes, creates – is risky – is vital to storytelling, is the […]

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