Pre-Planning Recap: Day 3

Today, Middle School teachers had the pleasure of working with Meg Cureton on a design thinking flash lab centered around making connections with one another. Connections: Design Thinking Flash Lab Part of the flash lab included these two excellent videos (we may have skipped the second one, actually, be we’ve used it before and it’s really good). Get Things Done We had a few hours to get some things done on our own and grab some lunch. Then, we followed up on our morning flash lab with some creative time in the Studio(i) maker space. We took our low-res prototypes and turned […]

4 Qualities of Empathy

4 Qualities of Empathy Yesterday at Northpoint, Clay Scroggins delivered a relevant message with key insights about empathy. Empathy is the central key to relationships, especially when there is ‘bad blood.’ Empathy is ‘first aid’ for bad blood. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. – Romans 12:18 A Message by Clay Scroggins 1) Take on their perspective as truth. 2) Suspend your judgement. 3) Recognize their emotion. 4) Communicate that emotion. Continuing to see the situation from your side doesn’t change anything. Sympathy = acknowledging their feelings. Empathy = actually […]

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