Reset before you Go! ala Standford d.School
Our goal is to experiment with the MV Continuum’s “Principals and Practice” – specifically, “Learning demands interactive and flexible spaces.” We are seeking to shift to less teacher centered rooms and more collaborative spaces, with greater student ownership. Here is a recap of items we have resolved to experiment with over the next 2 weeks leading up to our Feb 5 faculty meeting…
“Reset before you go” (take a picture of your neutral setting, post it, and have students reset during last 3 min.)
Try 3 new space configurations, take some pictures, and survey students about their learning/experience.
Trade furniture for 1-2 weeks, take some pictures, and survey students about their learning/experience.
Re-wire podiums to far side (away from entry).
- Streamline and re-organize closets to free up more space in the rooms.
- Any other ideas welcome! (ex: xmas lights, etc.)