Formative Assessment via Entry, Transfer, and Exit Tickets
Formative Assessment = a range of formal and informal assessment procedures conducted by teachers during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment.
This morning’s faculty meeting was a lesson in formative assessment. We started the meeting with an entry ticket – a Poll Everywhere survey (thank you Alex Bragg!) about our team’s wildly important goal of ‘expanding the learning measures.’
The original agenda for the meeting was sent to faculty in advance indicating the bulk of the time would be spent on teachers earning badges. After assessing the faculty, the decision was made during the process – to modify the teaching and learning, based on their feedback. We shifted to spending more time talking about examples of implementing entry tickets as formative assessment.
Faculty Meeting Agenda
Essential Questions:
How skilled are we at designing and delivering formative assessments?
How are we advancing our wildly important goal: expand the learning measures?
Desired Outcomes:
Teachers are given time to earn badges discuss entry tickets as formative assessment
Formative assessment is modeled through entry ticket
Teachers are challenged to try an entry ticket and share results
Conference Mentors discover the next steps for SLCs
Learning Opportunities: (– min)
- Cast the Characters (Group Work Norms) (5 min)
- Entry Ticket via Poll Everywhere – Badging (5 min)
Give Badge Time (20 min)Discuss entry tickets as a method of formative assessment (not as a sponge activity)- Intro Formative Assessment Tickets (Entry, Transfer, Exit) (5 min)
- Share SLC phase 3 & checklist (5 min)
- Amy & Chrissy – Badges! (5 min)
We started the meeting by ‘Casting the Characters’ using our team’s group work norms…
- Time keeper
- Encourager
- Note taking (focus on questions asked)
- Meta-congater (reflect on the overall flow and engagement of the meeting)
We ended the meeting by issuing a call to action Challenge…
Challenge: Utilize an entry ticket for formative assessment and be prepared to share out at October 22 faculty meeting.
Remember, it’s only formative if you use it to modify teaching and learning during the process. Otherwise, it’s just a sponge activity.
And also by recognizing teachers who have earned badges…
View all of the entry ticket survey results here…