Project Based Learning Workshop

Project Based Learning WorkshopExternal Experts Jill Akers and Shayna Cooke from the World Leadership School lead the Upper School team in professional learning focused on the inquiry-based, teaching approach known as PBL or project based learning. The Upper School team learns how to lead a class discussion without a teacher “at the front.” Each person must speak at least once before the next prompt/question is posed. Someone at the board maps out the discussion to make sure each person speaks and that no one monopolizes the air-time. The teacher does not make eye contact and does not allow the students […]

Introducing Faculty Badges: Winter Edition 2017

Today was the grand unveiling of the new suite of badges designed for faculty by Amy Wilkes and Katie Cain. Like a kid at Christmas, I still get excited when new badges are designed and introduced. These badges are only available through the end of April, so don’t let them pass by you. Remember, a badge has six elements to its design. Although the artwork is often the most visible and appealing aspect of a badge, it is only 1/6 of the design. Like a quarterback who gets all the credit when a team wins, the artwork can overshadow the […]

Pre-Planning Recap: Day 1

Opening Session Agenda: 1) Welcome 2) Special Guests: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump lead us in icebreakers (Thank you Matt & Laura) 3) Circle up and introduce yourself 4) Play game “Would you rather” – Apples, Oranges, Peaches – 70s, 80s, or 90s – Bring back Chris Farley or John Candy 5) Tips for how to get the most out of your pre-planning experience – Accept the calendar invitations (and notice details ie location) – Make wise use of your “GTD” (Get Things Done) times – Be early/on time and ready to contribute, move us forward – Look for someone […]

Visiting Brightworks

Visiting Brightworks Arriving a day early for the NAIS Conference in San Francisco, our team took the opportunity to visit the Brightworks school. Greeted by Founder and Education Architect Gever Tully who wrote the book 50 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Children Do, I was immediately struck by the open layout and the sense of freedom and possibility in the school. Students can access tools to construct prototypes of nearly anything one can imagine. The more dangerous tools are placed higher on the wall, if only to give pause to a student before proceeding to utilize.  We were given a […]

Passion Based Learning

Passion Based Learning: The “Other” PBL Middle School students in Grades 7 & 8 are piloting an incredible opportunity with an incredible educator. Over a dozen students voluntarily signed up for a 6 week course (2 days per week) stayed after school to pursue their own learning passions. Led by a volunteer teacher, Mikala Streeter, students are diving deep into a whole range of topics they they chose including coding, cooking, stop motion video making, origami, and guitar. How might we create more opportunities like this for our students? Resources:  I Build Learning Experiences by Mikala Streeter Why and How […]

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