Building Our Learning Measures
This morning, our monthly vertical team meeting focused on building our capacity with two of our ‘expanded learning measures’ – formative assessment and e-portfolios. Here is the agenda with some data added…
Essential Questions
What are the limitations of numerical grades as a single measure of learning?
How will we develop our understanding of e-portfolios as an effective measure ‘for’ and ‘of’ learning?
Desired Outcomes
Vertical Teams collaborate to implement formative assessment and e-portfolios.
Learning Opportunities
In advance, read Edutopia article: 11 Essentials for Excellent Eportfolios
- Entry Ticket: Upon arrival, write on 3 separate post-it notes…
- 1 idea this article sparked
- 1 question this article sparked
- the # of e-portfolio demonstrations you have currently assigned to your class
- Create an entry ticket with your vertical team, using your learning outcome process standards, that you all agree to use for formative assessment in the next few weeks, that students will upload to their e-portfolios.
- Share out your ticket with the whole team. Receive feedback. Iterate to improve.
Vertical Team Guiding Questions
How can you formatively assess one of these process standards as a vertical team?
How can students demonstrate their learning of one of these process standards? And make their thinking visible via e-portfolio?
How can we help students build the muscles of reflecting on their learning?
Teacher Reflection on Understanding and Implementation of student e-portfolios
What problems have you encountered while implementing e-portfolios with students? How did you solve them?
Does student’s work tell a story?
What do the demonstrations of learning that students post in their e-portfolios reveal about what they are learning in your class?
If someone else were looking at the demonstrations that students post in their e-portfolios, what might they learn about the design of your class?
What things you might want more help with?
What’s the one thing that you have seen in your colleague’s work or process that you would like to try related to e-portfolios?
Post-it Note Results…
HMW entice students to see e-portfolios as ‘theirs’ rather than something the Ts want them to do?
What’s a simple and effective way for me to promote and support e-portfolios with student buy-in?
How do we continue to empower students to want to curate their e-portfolios?
Why/how do we spark interest?
How to get students/teachers to care about e-portfolios?
How effective are e-portfolios in increasing learning? (I loved this question so much I wrote a response!)
What is our e-portfolio purpose?
What is our purpose?
How do we help students preserve portfolios for future endeavors?
Will e-portfolios be out-of-date tomorrow? (technology changes so rapidly)
If they lose their ’email’ account at the end of high school, does it have longevity?
Do students know how this will be used?
How might I use two different approaches to e-portfolios over the next 9 weeks?
QR Code – love it! Wonder how to use?
Clarify positivist/constructivist approach?
Need to focus e-portfolios to ensure demonstration of learning (learning outcomes)
How do we get videos in to make it easy?
Have we learned to add video? Who will help us?
Are we using the positivist or constructivist approach?
e-portfolios can be used for a short-term learning project
projects on e-portfolios
I would love to make my 2nd semester project tie directly to e-portfolio
design students demos to really showcase a learning progression throughout the year
HMW ensure that e-portfolio updates are relevant to demonstration of learning (learning outcomes)?
the portfolio for learning, as learning
Enhance student meta-cognition, reflection, ownership
I would like to ‘practice’ demos in advisory
I can meet with 1 kid per day in advisory on e-portfolios, match with goals (for SLC)
Student Blog: maybe have students start a blog instead of their journal I have them do? They could keep a blog and blog every week about topics of interest.
Check out One Note and other resources
Instead of weekly journaling, students can add to One Note or Evernote – culmination activity is uploading unit post-its up with a reflection
Students can keep a hard copy of all work done in a 9 week period. At the end of the period, upload 2 pieces of work that were significant. This gives students more time to reflect and choose two of their best pieces.
Students write class blog and link e-portfolios there? Allow a specific timeline to post.
Still love video aspect, but it’s too hard to upload
Our NPS is good with timeline (?)
Use as a student website/blog
We should publish to parents.
Digital Media = blog? Do we want to use e-portfolios like this?
1 Demo – 6
2 Demos – 9
3 Demos – 2
5 Demos – 1
What are your questions about e-portfolios and formative assessment? What are your ideas? Please share with us!