Students have the power to make decisions in the realm of social media where the consequences can stick around for a long time. Educators must model and instruct the proper use of these tools. Parents should closely monitor their student’s activity while the student gradually earns trust by their consistent actions. All three stakeholders should discuss and agree on guardrails that allow students to utilize the latest technology while simultaneously maintaining responsible digital citizenship. Not an easy task.
1. Be informed and involved with your student’s social media life. They know more than you do in this realm. How will you guard against being green? Trust and verify. Spend time and talk with your children.
2. Partner with educators. Read the resources they share with you. Share resources with them. Participate in offerings such as Parent University where external experts are brought in to discuss specific topics such as social media.
1. Commit to being a responsible digital citizen. Be trustworthy in all that you do. Online and offline.
2. Make wise choices. Learn this skill at an early age and it will take you far in life. I recommend reading Andy Stanley’s book Principal of the Path and The Best Question Ever.
Professional Educators…
1. Engage the students daily about what digital citizenship means and how to practice it. Infuse lessons on digital citizenship into your regularly scheduled programming. Be intentional.
2. Be the best in your field. Seek out new and innovative technologies to use in the classroom that will prepare students to be globally competitive. Seek out how to develop responsible digital citizens. Lead future leaders.
3. Partner with parents. Equip them. Share with them. Work together for the good of the students.
Here are some excellent resources to get started…
Cybraryman’s Resources
Why Digital Citizenship Must Be Taught in Schools
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
6 Must Read Posts on the Importance of Teaching Digital Citizenship
Teaching Integrity in an Age of Cynicism
Search Twitter using hashtag #digcit
What resources have you found to be helpful regarding digital citizenship?